Tag: member


You are acquiring an original 8×10 mounted photo gifted SIGNED and INSCRIBED by creator Gene Roddenberry to cast member and actress Jerri McBride in 1978. The inscription reads To Jerri of the starship enterprise! Happy Holidays 1978 Gene Roddenberry. The ink is in Star Trek gold. You can see Lenard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, deforest Kelley …

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SCREEN USED UNIFORM PROP STARFLEET COUNCIL MEMBER FROM STAR TREK 2009 W/COA. Scene Reference: Starfleet admirals wore their uniforms when James T. Kirk attended a disciplinary hearing for his actions in the Kobayashi Maru simulation, before his time as Captain. The item “STAR TREK SCREEN USED UNIFORM PROP STARFLEET COUNCIL MEMBER FROM ST 2009 WithCOA” …

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