Tag: vile
Star Trek TOS, Dr. McCoy’s Miri Hypospray, Mark 1 design. This Hypospray version is most often referred to as the “Mark 1″ design. To match the Set-Version;I was given access to a Set-Used hypospray and it neither hissed NOR had any ball catch inside it.
Star Trek TOS, Dr. Machined Aircraft Grade Mirror Polished Aluminum & Acrylic. Vial edge cap edges are now de-burred for a smoother “hand”. Hypo and other parts are machined from aircraft-grade aluminum. Set accurate size, materials, and details, just like on-set in the 1960’s. Overall dimensions are in the photos of this listing. Mirror Polished …
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Star Trek TOS, Dr. Machined Aircraft Grade Aluminum & Acrylic. Hypo and other parts are machined from aircraft-grade aluminum. Set accurate size, materials, and details, just like on-set in the 1960’s. Overall dimensions are in the photos of this listing. Details are exquisite and the finish is an unmatched mirror polish. Prop Hypo is assembled …
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