Animaniacs is a variety show with short skits featuring a large cast of characters. While the show had no set format, the majority of episodes were composed of three short mini-episodes, each starring a different set of characters, and bridging segments. Hallmarks of the series included its music, satirical social commentary, pop culture references, character …
Tag: wakko
Animaniacs is a variety show with short skits featuring a large cast of characters. While the show had no set format, the majority of episodes were composed of three short mini-episodes, each starring a different set of characters, and bridging segments. Hallmarks of the series included its music, satirical social commentary, pop culture references, character …
This is a great action cel setup (2 cels) of all three of the Animaniacs (Yakko, Wakko and Dot) WITH Captain James T Kirk and Leonard McCoy from Star Trek! This is, of course, from the 1995 episode, Star Truck. This cel setup has the WB seal and a Warner Brothers/Clampett COA. Original Production Animation …