Rare Original Limited Edition Box Set of 6,000 Copies on 15 CDS – U. Probing/Monster Illusion/Monster Fight/The Kibitzers M41/M42/M43/M44. Long Look/Vina’s Punishment M45/M51. Pike’s Punishment M52. Vina’s Dance M62. Torchy Girl/Under the Spell/Primitive Thoughts M63/M71/M72. To Catch a T. Max’s Factor M81. & End Credits M82. Tracks 01-16: The Cage. Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage Episode #1, Recorded 1/21/65. Beyond the Pale (No Man Before)/Main Title M11/M12. Act 1 Card M13. Force Field/Silver Orbs (Zooms Past) M1520/M21. The Patient/Speedy Reader M23/M24. Decision/Playtime/Megalomania/Stronger and Stronger/ Hit the Button M32/M41/M42/M43/M44. On Delta Vega/Strangle by Wire M51/M52. When Your Eyes Have Turned to Silver M53. Power Mad/Situation Grave/Epilogue M61/M62/M63. Tracks 17-30: Where No Man Has Gone Before Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage Episode #2, Recorded 11/29/65, Aired #3, 9/22/66. Contains “Theme from Star Trek (TV Series)”. By Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry. Main Title (electric violin version). Small Planet Visit/The Changeling M10/M11. Episode Titles/Genuine Affection M12/M13. First Goner/Salty Cat/Dressing Down. Circle One/Monitor Gizzard/Down Again/Grey to Greene M24/M25/M26/M31. At First Sight/Pill Tosser M34/M3541. The Unreal McCoy M43. Top Security/Lazer Dazer/Dodo Girl. Dead Crater/Last of the Last M54/M61. Trailer (“The Man Trap”). Tracks 01-15: The Man Trap. Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage. Episode #6, Recorded 8/19/66, Aired #1, 9/8/66. Brass Monkeys/Out of Glove M10/M11. Breaking Planet/Sweaty Palm/Itchy Hand. Pulled Down/It Spreads M22/M23. Joe Goes/Sulu Finks Out M24/M31. Up the Rebels/D’Artagnan-san M32/M33. Out of Control/Lurch Time/Punchy Kid M41/M42/M43. Medicine Girl/Hot Skin M4551/M52. Off the Cloud M53. Captain’s Wig M5461. The Big Go M62. Time Reverse/Future Risk and End Title M63/M64. Trailer (“Mudd’s Women”). End Title (electric violin version). Tracks 16-31: The Naked Time. Episode #7, Recorded 8/31/66, Aired #4, 9/29/66. Contains “Theme from Star Trek (TV Series)” (Courage/Roddenberry). Main Title cello version, arr. Space Orbit /Charlie X/That’s a Girl. Kirk’s Command/Charlie’s Mystery/Charlie’s Gift M13/M14+M14S/M1520. Zap the Antares/Kirk Is Worried M23+M23S/M24. Kirk’s Command #2/Chess Game M31/M32+M32S. Charlie’s Yen M33. Zap Sam/Zap the Pistol M41/M42. Kirk Waits/Charlie in Control M44/M45. Charlie’s Mad M51. Zap the Cap M53. Zap the Spaceship M54. Zap the Broad/Charlie’s Friend M55/M61. Tracks 01-17: Charlie X. Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #8, Recorded 8/29/66, Aired #2, 8/15/66 Based on a theme by Alexander Courage. Distant Spaceship/Hint of Danger M11/M12. Still in Danger/Meet Mr. Venus Walks/Hello Girls M16/M21. Mudd/Venus Aboard #2/ Strange Glances/The Last Crystal/Mudd Laffs. Eve to Magda/Mudd Plan/Mudd’s Perfidy. The Venus Drug/Dwindling Power M44/M45. Planet Rigel #2/Eve Is Out M53/M54. Eve Cooks/Eve Is Tired/Pretty Eve M55/M5661/M62. Mudd’s Farewell/Back in Orbit M63/M64. Tracks 18-29: Mudd’s Women Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #4, Recorded 9/7/66, Aired #6, 10/13/66 Based on a theme by Alexander Courage. Space Cube/Condition Alert M12/M13. Tracks 30-35: The Corbomite Maneuver Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #3, Recorded 9/20/66, Aired #10, 11/10/66. The Enterprise/In the Chapel M11/M11A. Theme from Star Trek/Romulan Warship/Romulan Theme 9MA pt 4/M31/M22A tk 3. Tracks 36-41: Balance of Terror Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #9, Recorded 9/20/66, Aired #14, 12/15/66. Meet Andrea/Android Kirk M22/M22A/M42. Ruk Protect/Ruk Attacks M43/M43A. Ruk Attacks/Enter Andrea M43AB/M54. End Title cello version, arr. Tracks 4247: What Are Little Girls Made Of? Music composed & conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #10, Recorded 9/20/66 Aired #7, 10/20/66. The Rock Slide/Beam Up/The Evil Kirk. The Tired Captain M15. The Lascivious Captain M17. Bruised Knuckles/An Impostor M22/M23. Kirk’s Log/Indecisive/Evil Fury M24/M31/M32. The Prone Body/Shivering Sulu/No Repair M3441/M42/M43. Another Brandy/The Evil Grin/Double Dog Death M45/M46/M51. Spock Takes Over/Help Me M52/M53. Two Into One M62. One Captain Kirk/Thank You, Yeoman M63/M64. Tracks 01-15: The Enemy Within Music composed and conducted by Sol Kaplan Episode #5, Recorded 9/14/66, Aired #5, 10/6/66. Dagger Sweet’ner/Go for Baroque/Play-Off #1 M11A/M11/M12. Leighton’s Face/Bridge #1 M13/M14/M15. Quasi-Sex Theme from Star Trek, jazz version; Courage/Roddenberry, arr. Kirk and Lenore/He’s Dead M22/M23. Spaceship/5 Sex and a ½/Play-Off #2. Spaceship Play-On/Toast and Corridor/Lenore’s Kiss/Short Bridge M27/M31/M32/M33. (Wilbur Hatch; vocal: Nichelle Nichols) MV1R. Everything Is Later/Play-Off #3 M51/M52. Go for Baroque M11. I Know That Voice/All Ghosts Dead M57/M5861. Opheliamania/Bridge #2/Last Cue M62/M63/M64. Tracks 16-31: The Conscience of the King Music composed and conducted by Joseph Mullendore Episode #13, Recorded 11/2/66, Aired #13, 12/8/66. New Planet/Rabbit Music M10A/10B. 2nd Ruth (Ruth) M31A. A Clue/Finnegan’s Return/The Leg Trick/Dirt Trick. Tiger Thoughts/Strafing/2nd Samurai/Caretaker/Lazarus M5560/M5560A/M5560B/M61/M62. 2nd Ruth/Ruth to Commercial (2nd Ruth) M31A/M24B. Tracks 32-40: Shore Leave. Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried. Episode #17, Recorded 12/2/66 Aired #15, 12/29/66. Cello version; Courage/Roddenberry, arr. 2006 Recording Conducted and Produced by Gregory Smith. New York 1930 M2630+M2630B. Edith’s Theme M33. Edith’s Fate/Edith Must Die M47/M47A. Edith’s Vision M51. Edith’s Death M65. Tracks 0109: The City on the Edge of Forever Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Interpolating “Goodnight, Sweetheart”. By Jimmy Campbell, Reginald Connelly and Ray Noble Episode #28, Recorded 3/24/67, Aired #28, 4/6/67. Lonely to Dramatic LM3. Play-Off (with button) 13LM5. Play-Off (with sustain) 13LM5A. Tracks 1015: First Season Library Music Music composed by Joseph Mullendore. Tracks 1618: First Season Library Music Music composed by Wilbur Hatch. That’s a Girl M12X. Kirk’s Command M13X. Charlie’s Mystery M14X. Zap the Pistol M42X tk 1. Zap the Pistol M42X tk 2. Zap the Spaceship M54X tk 1. Zap the Spaceship M54X tk 2. Charlie’s Friend M61X tk 1. Charlie’s Friend M61X tk 3. Tracks 1935: Charlie X First Season Library Music Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. The Last Crystal M31X. The Last Crystal M31X tk 3. Tracks 3637: Mudd’s Women First Season Library Music Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Tracks 3840: The Corbomite Manuever First Season Library Music Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Theme from Star Trek 9MA pt 1. Theme from Star Trek 9MA pt 2. Theme from Star Trek 9MA pt 3. Theme from Star Trek 9MA pt 4. Romulan Theme M22/M22A tk 1. Tracks 4146: Balance of Terror First Season Library Music Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Edith Must Die M47B. Track 46 from: The City on the Edge of Forever First Season Library Music Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Weird Guitar M21 (Steiner). Charlie Is My Darling M21A/M21B. Steiner; vocal: Nichelle Nichols. Tracks 4748: Charlie X (source music). Joe Berserk M21 tk 3. (from “The Naked Time, ” Courage). Leg Trick M51/M51A (from “Shore Leave, ” Fried). Tracks 4950: First Season score alternates. A Major Sonata (Domenico Scarlatti) M21/M21A/M22. F Minor Sonata (Scarlatti) M31/M32. Southern Roses (Johann Strauss) M3340. Tracks 5153: The Squire of Gothos Source. Music performed by Ivan Ditmars. Episode #18, Recorded 12/16/66, Aired #17, 1/12/67. Vina’s Dance (Wilbur Hatch). Track 54: The Cage Pre-Recording. Transporter Effect (“The Cage”) M4 tk 3. Planet Atmosphere (“The Cage”). [Series Transporter Effect] M16 tk 3. Pike Window Bump (“The Cage”) M8 tk 1. Talosian Door Effect (“The Cage”) M14 tk 6. Disappearance Effect (“The Cage”) MRV tk 1. (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX3 tk 1. (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX2 tk 1. Tracks 5561: Sound Effects. Computer Processing (“The Cage”) M11 tk 1. (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”) MFX1 tk 1. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #1 (“The Cage”) M1 tk 1. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #2 (“The Cage”) M2 tk 2. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #3 (“The Cage”) M3 tk 1. Planet Atmosphere Alternate #4 (“The Cage”). Pike Window Bump (“The Cage”) M8 tk 26. Bass Twangs (“The Cage”) M10 tk 1, 2. Tracks 6269: Unused sound effects. Planet Atmosphere (“The Cage”) [Series Transporter Effect] M16 tk 2 (Alexander Courage rehearsal). Enterprise Fly-By (“The Naked Time”). MX1 tk 1 (Alexander Courage vocal effect). Virus Sound (“The Naked Time”) MX4 tk 1, 2. Tracks 7072: Sound effects rehearsals and outtakes. Electric violin version; arr. Courage MT tk 15, 7. Steiner M10A tk 13. Electric violin version, arr. Courage ET tk 1. Steiner META tk 16. Tracks 7376: Theme Music outtakes. Main Title soprano version, arr. Fog Storm/Castle/Second Castle M1620+M1620A/M21/M22. Follow That Cat/Brain-Washed M23/M24. Drugged/Scene Change Sweetener/Korob/ Lap Kitten/Cat as Hostess/Free Meal/The Bribe. Cooking Lesson/Force Field M41/M42. Defeated Captain/Music to Dent Force Fields By. Bones, the Zombie M45. Love, Sort Of M51. Racial Memories/Captain Kirk/Mace Fight M5460/M5460A/M61. Wand-Breaking/The Prototypes/Five to Beam Up M63+M25A/M64+64B/M64A. Tracks 0117: Catspaw Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #30, Recorded 6/21/67, Aired #36, 10/27/67. Captain’s Log M13A/M13. The Challenge/Klingon Blip M21/M21A. Arm Barbeque/Slow Turn/Call of Duty M24/M25/M26. Scott/Bones’ Good Idea/Capellan Desert. Sonic Ambush/Bouncing Boulder M35/M36. Kras on the Rocks/Paternity Case/New Capellan in Town M41/M45/M51. Negative Report/Old Russian Saying/The Mother Splits M53/M54/M55. The Baby Sitter/Road Hog M56/M57. Down the Throat M58. End Title soprano version, arr. Tracks 1834: Friday’s Child Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #32, Recorded 7/7/67, Aired #40, 12/1/67. Main Title soprano version, enhanced stereo. Deep Thought/Contrary Order/ Prognosis/The Big Question/Message from T’Pring. Vulcan Biology/Pon Farr M24/M24A. Ritual/To the Death M43/M44. The Ancient Combat/2nd Kroykah M51/M52/M52A. Remorse/Vulcan Logic/Marriage Counseling M5360/M5360A/M5360B. Tracks 0115: Amok Time Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #34, Recorded 7/19/67, Aired #30, 9/15/67. Commodore Matt Decker/The Crew That Was. What Is a Doomsday Machine? Gaining Speed/The Strange Beam M24/M2530. No Casualties/Decker Takes Over M31/M32. The New Commander/The Approaching Killer. Light Beams/Tractor Beam M3440/M41. Spock Takes Command/Decker’s Foil/ The Sneaky Commodore M43/M51/M51A. Kirk Does It Again M62. One’s Enough M63. End Title soprano version, enhanced stereo. Tracks 1630: The Doomsday Machine Music composed and conducted by Sol Kaplan Episode #35, Recorded 8/30/67, Aired #35, 10/20/67. Apollo’s Power/Kirk’s Theme/Apollo’s Temple M21/M22/M23. Spaceship Stuck/Apollo Fades/Kirk to Apollo. Apollo Digs Carolyn/Apollo’s Fist/New Venus M2930/M31/M32. Apollo’s Temple #2 M34. Apollo Weakens/Kirk to Enterprise/Bridge to Apollo M41/M42/M43. Apollo in Love M51. Dreamy Venus/Kirk and Carolyn/Spaceship Stuck Again M52/M53/M54. Apollo’s Kiss/Apollo’s Storm/Final Battle. End of Apollo/Spaceship Orbit M62/M63. Tracks 01-16: Who Mourns for Adonais? Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #33, Recorded 7/12/67, Aired #31, 9/22/67. Mirror Mirror/Blackship Theme/The Agonizer M12/M12A/M12B. Blackship in Space/Blackship Underscore M13/M14. Thematic Bridge/Blackship Tension M21/M21A. Evil Kirk/Evil Kirk #2 M32/M33. Meet Marlena/Short Curtain M36/37. Tracks 17-25: Mirror, Mirror Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #39, Recorded 9/8/67, Aired #33, 10/6/67. Rojan’s Revenge/Rojan’s Blocks/Broken Block M22/M23/M24. Pretty Words/Short Playoff M52/M55. Kelinda’s Question/Rojan Roars/Kelinda’s Kiss M59/M61/M61A. Tracks 26-32: By Any Other Name Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #50, Recorded 12/27/67, Aired #51, 2/23/68. Star-Spangled Enterprise (act out) MX-1/MX-6. Star-Spangled Enterprise (episode medley). Star-Spangled Enterprise (outtakes medley). Tracks 33-36: The Omega Glory “Star-Spangled Enterprise” Incorporating “Theme from Star Trek” & “The Star-Spangled Banner” Devised & Conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #54, Recorded 12/27/67 (with “By Any Other Name”), Aired #52, 3/1/68. Kirk to Apollo M28A. Track 37 from Who Mourns for Adonais? Second Season Library Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Blackship in Space M13A. Blackship in Space M13B. Tracks 38-44: “Mirror, Mirror” Second Season Library Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Kelvan Theme M12 tk 5. Rojan’s Blocks M23A tk 3. Tracks 45-48: “By Any Other Name” Second Season Library Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. Chess Game M32, recorded. With Who Mourns for Adonais? Recorded with Who Mourns for Adonais? Goodbye Charlie M62, 2 versions. Recorded with “By Any Other Name” LM53. Tracks 49-51: “Charlie X” SecondSeason Library Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. (M31A, recorded with “Mirror, Mirror”) LM52. Track 52 from “The Corbomite Maneuver” Second Season Library Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner. The Planetoid/Most Unusual M13/M14. You’ve Got It/Angry Companion. Spock OK/Judas Goat M32/M33/M33A. Starship/Scott Anxious M41 tk 3/M42. Transition/Companion Talks/Kirk Frustrated M43/M44/M44A. Cochrane Angry/Spock Puzzled/Nancy Sobs M45/M4650/M51. Kirk Pleads/New Nancy M52+M52X/M53. It’s Her/Loveliness M54/M5560. You Loved Me M61. Cochrane’s Decision M62. Tracks 0117: Metamorphosis Music composed and conducted by George Duning Episode #31, Recorded 6/28/67, Aired #38, 11/10/67. Who Are You/The Globes M15/M21. Sargon Transfers/Sargon Requests M22/M23. Kirk’s Philosophy M32. Thalassa Worried/Nurse Puzzled /Thalassa Concerned/ Thalassa Pleads M45/M45A/M46/M51. Nurse Chapel/Spock Alive M5560/M63. Tracks 1829: Return to Tomorrow Music composed and conducted by George Duning Episode #51, Recorded 12/29/67 Aired #49, 2/9/68 Contains “Blackship Theme” composed by Fred Steiner. Military Mite (Nazi March) M10 tk 1. Military Mite (Nazi March) (soft version) M10 tk 2. Military Mite (Nazi March). (10 bars, soft opening) M10 tk 3. (10 bars, hard opening) M10 tk 4. (6 bars, long ending) M10 tk 5. (6 bars, short ending) M10 tk 6. Military Mite (Nazi March) (horn motive) M10 tk 7. Military Mite (Nazi March) (horn theme) M10 tk 9. Military Mite (Nazi March) (percussion only) M10 tk 10. Tracks 3038: Patterns of Force Music composed and conducted by George Duning Episode #52, Recorded 12/29/67 (with “Return to Tomorrow”), Aired #50, 2/16/68. Tracks 3944: The Apple Unused Percussion Tracks composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #38, Recorded 7/10/67 (with “Friday’s Child”), Aired #34, 10/13/67. Track 45 from “Wolf in the Fold” Unused Belly Dancer Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #36, Recorded 7/19/67 (with “Amok Time”), Aired #43, 12/22/67. Main Title soprano version, second season mix. Harry Mudd/Mudd’s Series M24/M25. Eternal Beauty/Crew Gone M33/M36. We Are Real M40. A Gilded Cage/Not Programmed M41/M42. Mudd’s Farewell/Stella’s Reprise M43/M44. Alice in Wonderland M55. Love’s Hate M56. Tired of Happiness M62. The Last Straw M63. Mudd’s Detention/Stella 500 M65/M66. Tracks 0124: I, Mudd Music composed and conducted by Samuel Matlovsky Episode #41, Recorded 9/22/67, Aired #37, 11/3/67. The Muzak Maker M16. They Quibble Over Tribble/Kirk Out M21+M21S/M31. The Scherzo Maker M34. A Matter of Pride/Barrel of Tribbles/Tribble Hooks Kirk/ My Chicken Sandwich/Come on Spock! /Raining Tribbles M42/M43+M43S/M44/M44A+M44AS/M44B/M51/ M51A+M51AS /M52/M54+M54S. /Close That Door/Hissing Tribbles/ Poor Jonesy/No Tribble at All. Tracks 1521: The Trouble with Tribbles Music composed and conducted by Jerry Fielding Episode #42, Recorded 10/5/67, Aired #44, 12/29/67. Sad and Thoughtful on Captain’s Theme LM8. Fight on Captain’s Theme LM5/LM5A. 2 (NeutralSlightly Ominous) LM3. New Sexy Exotic LM9. 3 (Sad and Alone) LM4. Prime Specimen (“The Cage” M2130) LM19. Monster Illusion (“The Cage” M42) LM18. Spock “Captain’s Wig”. From “The Naked Time” M5461 LM16. The Big Go (“The Naked Time” M62) LM15. Tracks 22-35: Second Season Library Music Conducted by Alexander Courage Recorded 6/16/67 Composed by Alexander Courage. Mudd’s Perfidy (“Mudd’s Women” M43) LM10A/LM10. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11A tk 1. Zap the Cap (“Charlie X” M53) LM11A tk 2. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12A. Zap the Spaceship (“Charlie X” M54) LM12B. What Are Little Girls Made Of? Tracks 3643: Second Season Library Music Composed by Fred Steiner. “Shore Leave” M31A, orch. Track 44: Second Season Library Music Composed by Gerald Fried. Neck Pinch Sweetener (“Catspaw” M61A) (Fried). More Soup (“Amok Time” M2630/M2630A) (Fried). Resignation (“Amok Time” M61A) (Fried). Approach of the Enterprise. (“The Doomsday Machine” M11A) (Kaplan). (“The Doomsday Machine” M11A/M11S). (Kaplan, with Fred Steiner brass sweetener). (“The Doomsday Machine” M63A/M63) (Kaplan). Shuttle Helpless (“Metamorphosis” M12A) (Duning). Starship (“Metamorphosis” M41 tk 2) (Duning). Nancy Sobs (“Metamorphosis” M51A) (Duning). Nancy Sobs (“Metamorphosis” M51B) (Duning). You Loved Me (“Metamorphosis” M61A) (Duning). We Are Real (“I, Mudd” M40A) (Matlovsky). No Tribble at All. (“The Trouble with Tribbles” M65A) (Fielding). Poor Jonesy “The Trouble with Tribbles” M63. Poor Jonesy “The Trouble with Tribbles” M63S. Trombone sweetener at recorded speed (Fielding). Tribbles FX (unused) (Matlovsky). Tracks 4561: Second Season Alternates and Outtakes. Contrary Order (Gerald Fried rehearsal) M1620. Tracks 6266: Amok Time Source Music and Outtake composed and conducted by Gerald Fried. Main Title soprano version, stereo. Melkots’ Warning/Hailing Frequencies M11/M12. The Clantons Lost/Death Is Real! /Tack Piano (Weird) M21/M22/M23. Good Morning Gents/Draw Clanton M31/M32. Taos Lightning/Teeth Pulling M33/M34. My NameDoc Holliday/Love Scene in Old West/ Chekov Gets Killed M3540/M41/M42. Not Yet Our Time M44. One Other Place/Any Way You Can/Ten Minutes M51/M52/M53. We’re Trapped/Shoot Out, Part 1 M54/M5560. Shoot Out, Part 2/Kirk Wins! It’s Gone Sir M62. No Title/Final Curtain M63+M63B/M63A. Tracks 0114: Spectre of the Gun Music composed and conducted by Jerry Fielding Episode #56, Recorded 7/5/68, Aired #61, 10/25/68. Pine Trees/The Amerikinds/Tahiti Syndrome/The Brain Wash M11/M12/M13/M14. Episode Title/Puzzled Kirk/Miramanee/Maximum Warp/ Engine Strain M21/M22/M23/M24/M25. Bad Memory/Breath of Life/The New God/Deflection M26/M27/M27A/M2830. Washday/Salish Fluffed/Potter Kirk/Naming the God/Target M32/M33/M34/M35/M36. Lazy Lazer/Joining Day M37/M3840. The Fight/The Ceremony/Listless Spock/Spock Cheats Doctor/ Forest Montage/Troubling Dreams/Mud Map M43/M43A/M45/M46/M4750/M4750A/M4750B/M50A. Forever Cooking/Wind/False God M51/M52/M53. Check-Up/Death to a False God/Mind Fusion. Back to Reality/The Right Words/Wounded Girl M62/M62A/M62B. The Right Button/Death of Miramanee/End M63/M64+M64A/M65. End Title soprano version, stereo. Tracks 1527: The Paradise Syndrome Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried Episode #58, Recorded 7/19/68, Aired #58, 10/4/68. Mission to Elas/Meet Kryton/Meet Elaan. Elaan of Elas/Impulse Drive/Elaan Is Annoyed/ Peevish Elaan/Thematic Bridge/Elaan’s Interest. Mysterious Things/Klingon Warship/Elaan in Trouble M24/M25/M26. Medical Man/Elaan Motif/Elaan Eats. Elaan Angry/Enemy Warship/Bad Kryton. More Trouble/Elaan’s Temper M34/M35. Magic Tears/The Intruder/Kryton Vanishes M3640/M41/M42. Elaan’s Jewels/Confrontation M53/M54. Thematic Bridge/Goodbye Elaan/Kirk in Command M61/M62/M63. Tracks 0115: Elaan of Troyius Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #57, Recorded 7/12/68, Aired #68, 12/6/68. No Mind/Tense Moment/Tracking the Alien/The Question M15/M16/M21/M22A/M22. Icy Planet/Caveman/Caveman Fight M23/M24/25. Caveman Run/Cave Music/Corpus Spock/Hello Luma/ Kara Zaps Kirk M31/M32/M33/M34/M36. Chicken Delight/Kirk Caught/The Answer/ The Agonizer/Sulu’s Log M41/M42/M43/M44/M45. Spock Walks/Agonizer #2/Spooky Spock M4950+M50A/M51/M52 tk 3. Magic Helmet/Kara’s Kaper M53/M54. Kirk’s Dilemma/Magic Helmet #2/Operation Spock/ vOperation Montage/Spock Is O. /Spock’s Fugue M56/M5760/M61/M62/M63/M64. Tracks 1626: Spock’s Brain Music composed and conducted by Fred Steiner Episode #61, Recorded 8/26/68, Aired #56, 9/20/68. Elaan in Trouble M26A. Tracks 2731: “Elaan of Troyius” Fred Steiner Library Cues. Spooky Spock With Overstings M52 tk 3+M48A. Spooky Spock M52 tk 4. Kara’s Kaper M54A. Kara Motif (Fred Steiner rehearsal and master) M26. Tracks 32-44: “Spock’s Brain” Fred Steiner Library Cues. Main Title soprano version, monaural. Back from Dead/Commandeered M42/M4350. Back to Business M51. Tracks 0115: The Enterprise Incident Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage Episode #59, Recorded 8/5/68, Aired #57, 9/27/68. Meet the Folks/Soaring Syringe M12/M13. Delirium Parmen’s M1520. Reluctant Guests/Psychokinetic Effect M21/M21A. The Frog (Alexander’s Song). (vocal: Michael Dunn) M22A. Cut Off/I Hear You Calling M24/M25+M25A. Psychokinetic Shenanigans/Stopped Cold M26/M31. Spock Brought/New Talent M41/M51. The Aristocrats/Flung About M52/M53. Maiden-Wine (vocal: Leonard Nimoy) M54A. The Little Visitor M62. Tracks 1632: Plato’s Stepchildren Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage Episode #67, Recorded 10/25/68 Aired #65, 11/22/68 composed by Leonard Nimoy, Published by Adajul Music (BMI). Arab Hootch Dance (Hootchie Kootchie) LM133. Track 33: Whom Gods Destroy Music composed and conducted by Alexander Courage Episode #71, Recorded 10/25/68 (With “Plato’s Stepchildren”), Aired #69, 1/3/69. Looking for a New Land (vocal: Charles Napier) MV1. Like Hail (vocal: Napier) MV3. (vocals: Charles Napier and Deborah Downey) MV2. Far Out Jam (William Pitman) M8/MV5A. Headin’ Out to Eden (vocal: Napier) MV4. Headin’ Out to Eden (instrumental tags) M7A tk 2, 1. End Title soprano version, monaural. Tracks 3441: The Way to Eden Songs: Arthur Heinemann, Charles Napier and Craig Robertson Music Director: Wilbur Hatch Episode #75, Recorded 11/20/68, Aired #75, 2/21/69. Enter Marvick/Enter Miranda M11/M12. Ambassador Arrival/My Life Is Here/I Must Know/ Starship Party M13/M14/M15/M21. McCoy’s Toast/Quite a Woman/Marvick Pleads. Marvick Mad/Marvick Berserk/Marvick Dies. Unknown Void/Sentimental Jim/What Is Ugly? Don’t Move/Spock Out/No Change/ Miranda Mad/Miranda’s Farewell. Tracks 0108: Is There in Truth No Beauty? Music composed and conducted by George Duning Episode #62, Recorded 9/6/68, Aired #60, 10/18/68. Starship Again/Nova Phase/What Happened? Lost Trio/Enter Gem/The Vians/Kirk Stunned/ Force Field/Kirk Healed. Vian Lab/The Subjects M24/M25. Cave Exit/Star Trek Chase/Slow Motion Kirk. One Specimen/Kirk Tortured/Kirk’s Agony/ Help Him/Vians’ Threat M31/M32/M33/M34/M35. How’s It Going/Spock’s Hypo/Spock Stuck/McCoy Tortured/Gem Wistful M41/M42/M43/M44/M45. Poor McCoy/Bedside Manner/No Interference/ Time Grows Short M51/M52/M53/M5460/M5460A. Don’t Touch Me M61. Vians’ Farewell/Off Again M62/M62A/M63. Tracks 0918: The Empath Music Composed and Conducted by George Duning Episode #63, Recorded 9/6/68, Aired #67, 12/6/68. Tracks 1920: Requiem for Methuselah Brahms Paraphrase by Ivan Ditmars Episode #76, Recorded 1/15/69, Aired #74, 2/14/69. Contains “Theme from Star Trek (TV Series)” (Courage/Roddenberry) Contains Mr. Spock composed by Gerald Fried. Soprano version, third season mix; arr. Triacus Burial/Kooky Kids/Reluctant Kids. Starship Again/Instant Ice Cream M21/M22. Busy-Busy/Tommy Tired/Here Comes the Gorgon/ Kids’ Whammy #1 M23/M24/M25/M26. Standard Orbit #1/Starnes’ Tape/Kids’ Whammy #2/ Tommy’s Whammy/Standard Orbit #2/Whammed Crew/ Starnes’ Story M31/M32/M33/M34/M35/M36/M36A/M37. Mislead Innocent/McCoy Mad/Out of Orbit/Call the Angel M38/M41/M42/M43/M43A. Scotty Whammied/By Whose Orders M51/M52. Gorgon Summoned/Gorgon Zapped M5460/M61. Tracks 0112: And the Children Shall Lead Music composed and conducted by George Duning Episode #60, Recorded 8/9/68, Aired #59, 10/11/68. Monster Illusion (M42) LM102. Monster Illusion (tag) (M42) LM102A. The Kibitzers (M44) LM103. Vina’s Punishment (M51) LM104. Vina’s Dance (M62) LM105. Wrong Think (M73) LM106. Tracks 1320: The Cage (Alexander Courage) Third Season Library Music conducted by Wilbur Hatch Recorded 6/25/68. Act 1 Card (M13) LM107. Speedy Reader (M24) LM109. End Title (M64) LM110. Tracks 2124: Where No Man Has Gone Before (Alexander Courage) Third Season Library Music conducted by Wilbur Hatch Recorded 6/25/68. First Goner (M1421) LM111 tk 3. First Goner (M1421) LM111 tk 4. Dressing Down (M23) LM114. Monitor Gizzard (M25) LM113. Monitor Gizzard (M25) LM113A. Lazer Dazer (M4551) LM112. Dodo Girl (M52) LM115. Tracks 2531: The Man Trap (Alexander Courage) Third Season Library Music conducted by Wilbur Hatch Recorded 6/25/68. Mace Fight (M61) LM117. Mace Fight (M61) LM117A. Tracks 3234: Catspaw (Gerald Fried) Third Season Library Music conducted by Wilbur Hatch Recorded 6/25/68. Down the Throat (M58) LM118. Tracks 3536: Friday’s Child (Gerald Fried) Third Season Library Music conducted by Wilbur Hatch Recorded 6/25/68. School Chum (“Shore Leave” M23) LM125. Spock (“Amok Time” M14) LM128/LM128A. Contrary Order (“Amok Time” M1620A) LM129. More Soup (“Amok Time” M2630B) LM126. More Soup (“Amok Time” M2630B) LM126A/LM127. Tracks 3741: Friday’s Child Music composed and conducted by Gerald Fried (with “The Paradise Syndrome”) Third Season Library Music Recorded 6/25/68. Act Out LM131 tk 1. Act Out LM131 tk 2. Tracks 4243: Friday’s Child (Gerald Fried) Conducted by George Duning with Is There in Truth No Beauty? Third Season Library Music Recorded 6/25/68. Is There in Truth No Beauty? (“And the Children Shall Lead” by Duning, M42A). (“Spectre of the Gun” by Fielding, M63C). (“The Enterprise Incident” by Courage, M1420A). (“Plato’s Stepchildren” by Courage, M25A). (“Plato’s Stepchildren” by Courage, M52A). Tracks 4449: Score Alternates Third Season Library Music Recorded 6/25/68. Drums/Salute to Our President Fanfare MX/M1/M1A. Salute to Our President Fanfare (outtakes medley) M2/M3/M4/M5. End Title soprano version, alt. Tracks 5053: The Savage Curtain Music composed and conducted by Wilbur Hatch Episode #77, Recorded 1/24/69, Aired #77, 3/7/69. LA-LA LAND RECORDS LLLCD 1701 (2012). Condition (sleeve/cd disc) = VG +. Near mint, or un-played condition. Jacket/booklet is in fine condition or looks new, with no ring wear. Only slight signs of wear/no rot; very clean, only light surface marks which do not affect playing. Jacket/booklet also has only slight wear, and is still in nice collectible condition. Surface marks/signs of rot. Still plays well. Jacket/booklet may have medium overall wear or some ring wear. Jacket/booklet missing or in poor condition missing. For CD’s / BOX. Good Luck & Many Thanks!!!! The item “CD STAR TREK THE ORIGINAL SERIES SOUNDTRACK COLLECTION 15 CDS LIMITED” is in sale since Sunday, February 10, 2019. This item is in the category “Music\CDs”. The seller is “adilson_aquino” and is located in São Paulo, São Paulo. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Genre: Soundtracks & Musicals
- Style: TV Score/Soundtrack
- Special Attributes: BOX SET
- Release Year: 2012
- Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
- Duration: Album
- Sub-Genre: Film Score & Soundtrack
- Edition: Collector’s Edition
- Record Label: La-La Land Records