In 2063, Earth made its first contact with an alien species, launching the planet and its inhabitants onto an interstellar stage. In the next century, United Earth established a space exploration and defense service called Starfleet and co-founded The United Federation of Planets, a benevolent organization of hundreds of worlds. The chronicles of Starfleet are …
Tag: trek
Vintage Mego Star Trek 1974 Captain Klingon 8 figure MOC Sealed. A really solid example, veru clean buble with minimal wear to the card. The bubble is excellent, fully sealed with exception to some ever so slight bubble lift at the base of the card. Displays very well and features some fantastic artwork.
Which they do now from the last time I tested them, the phaser works as it should, no issues from what I recall, at most think the battery connectors just needed readjusting. The Communicator I needed to fix a slight crack in the plastic for the flip out grill as it wasn’t making contact with …
Offering a Genuine Hand Signed 8 x 10 Autographed Photo of. WHOOPIE GOLDBERG & PATRICK STEWART IN STAR TREK SCENE -=RARE=. Both had signed in black sharpies. NOTE – WATERMARK DO NOT COPY IS N-O-T IN PHOTO ONLY THERE TO STOP PEOPLE COPYING. This signed photo was either obtained through the. It will come with …
IDEAL FOR ALL FANS/COLLECTORS OR ANYTHING STAR TREK RELATED. X1 Star Trek The Original Series Complete Blu Ray Box Set (missing one disc). X1 Star Trek The Original Series Complete Season 1 DVD in steel box. X1 Star Trek The Original Series Complete Season 2 DVD in steel box. X1 Star Trek The Original Series …
STAR TREK 2 : THE WRATH OF KHAN? ONE SHEET ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTER. NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE (NSS) ISSUED. If it has any minor defects like pin holes, creases, etc. And they are not mentioned above, they should be visible in the high resolution photo. WE DO NOT SELL REPRODUCTIONS OF ANY KIND. NO FAKES, NO …
Title: Star Trek: The Original Story S01-S03 Repack [EU Import].
Emily Banks as Yeoman Tonia Barrows. The card is in Mint / Near Mint condition.